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Adult Students

LA Homework:

Friday June 15th- Your Music Project is due Monday

Thursday June 14th- Your Music Project is due Monday


Wednesday June 13-Your HW is to find 5 songs by 5 different artists that are all different genres.

Tuesday June 12th- Your HW is to find 5 songs by 5 different artists that are all different genres.


Monday June 11th- Your only HW is to start thinking about the music project. Also your VOCAB FINAL IS THURSDAY!!! BE READY!!

Friday June 8th- Your HW is to finish your letter to your teacher we are sending them tom.

Thursday June 7th- Your HW is to finish your rough draft.


Wednesday June 6th- Your HW is to finish your rough draft.

Tuesday June 5th- you have no HW.


Friday June 1st- ITS YOUR LAST MONTH OF SCHOOL!! Your only HW is to finish the Giver

Thursday May 31st- Your HW is to read all the way to chapter 20

Tuesday May 29th- Your HW is to finish your vocab

Thursday May 24th- Your HW is to finish all the vocab

Wednesday May 23rd- your only HW is to work on your vocab page and your sentence prompts

Tuesday May 22nd- your only HW is to start working on your vocab page

Monday May 21st- your only HW is to start working on your vocab page and read chapter 6


Friday May 18th- Your only HW is to study for your quiz on chapter 5 (MONDAY)


Thursday May 17th- You have no HW.... start studying for your vocab final.


Wednesday May 16th- You have no HW.... start studying for your vocab final.


Tuesday May 15th-  You have no HW.... start studying for your vocab final.


Monday March 14th- You have no HW.... start studying for your vocab final.


Friday May 11th- You have a vocab test in 2 weeks... here are the final words.


Travail   Validate   Vent   Voracious   Wrath   Winnow   Writhe   Zenith


Thursday May 10th- What is a dystopias

Wednesday May 9th- Your only HW is to finish your leader... remember its staff appreciation week!


Monday May 7th- You have no HW but remember it is staff appreciation week!


Friday May 4th-Your story is due Mon.


Thursday May 3rd- Your HW is to finish your story ASAP


Tuesday April 31st- Your only HW is to finish your draft and outline by TOM.

Monday April 30th- Your homework is to FINISH your outline it is due tom. with your rough draft. They are each a sepertate grade.


Friday April 27th- Your homework is to finish your rough draft and the outline they will both be a separate grade.


Thursday April 26th- Your homework is to finish your rough draft and the outline they will both be a separate grade.


Wednesday April 25th- Your only homework is to create an outline for your persuasive idea. This must be done by TOM.


Tuesday April 24th- I was not here today but you have a vocab quiz tom on your 'q, r and s' vocabulary words.


Monday April 23rd-  Your only HW is to find some main points (3) for your topic.


Friday April 20th- I was not here today..., today you should have done your vocab cards and/or researched for your topic... You have a vocab quiz on WEDNESDAY on your words all the way up to Q, your words are:


Scrupulous   Seethe   Skulduggery   Squalid   Sublime   Succinct   Surmise   Surreptitious


Thursday April 19th- Your homework is to research more about your topic, remember to take notes, print, and remember FIND PROS AND CONS its important to know how to address the other side of a topic  


Wednesday April 18th- Today we corrected the scope packet..., you have no HW but find some good persuasive ideas and remember, HAVE AN OPINION do not just find a broad topic!!


Tuesday April 17th- I wasn't here today but we read over a scope magazine... find some good persuasive and argumentative ideas for tom.


Monday April 16th- Welcome Back!! Hope you all had a great break... your HW is to get some good persuasive and argumentative ideas for Wednesday, I will NOT be here tom.


Friday April 6th- Today we previewed the SS Washington maps... you have no HW, HAVE A GREAT BREAK!!

Thursday April 5th- Today we continued our reading over a scope magazine... study your cards I feel like we are going to have a POP quiz soon!

Wednesday April 4th- Today we read over a scope magazine... your only homework is to find a true story about distracted driving. Also I am feeling like we need to have a POP quiz soon study your cards... the quiz will either be TOM. or FRIDAY.


Tuesday April 3rd- Today you all took the district assessment... no HW.


Monday April 2nd- Happy Easter... today your stories on poster board are due. Tom. is the post district test. We also go eight new vocab words!


Quaff   Quail   Quell  Quietude   Reign   Reproach   Rhetoric    Ruminate   


Friday March 30th- Today we worked on our stories which are due Monday on the poster board... remember make your stories first person, include pictures and captions!

Thursday March 29th- Today we all found articles and are trying to make them 'first person' keep ding that and try to get as much done as you can.


Wednesday March 28th- Today you should be finding one story about people who immigrated across the country to Washington state/ or immigrated from another country to Washington State.


Tuesday March 27th- Today we worked on our 3 stories... they are due tom. Remember you will write a story along with each immigrant (three stories total) as if you were there with them on their journey. Use first person and include details on all aspects of their journey. 


Monday March 26th- Today your word cartoons are Due. Today you must find the stories of 3 immigrants/ pioneers from the 1900's. Then you will write a story along with each immigrant (three stories total) as if you were there with them on their journey. Use first person and include details on all aspects of their journey. Your 3 stories must be typed and our due on Wednesday. Each story  must have a title.


Friday March 23rd- 

Have your heading on the back of your cartoon. How did they come out? They will be due on Monday.

Have your journal out for a free write Friday!

Need to see your grade for the Trimester? I can ask meet with you anytime.


Thursday March 22nd- Today you will be working on the next 8 words. Once your cards are done for those eight, I want you to use a sheet of copy paper and I want you to create a sort of cartoon for a word or two. One is the minimum. If you want to create a computer version that is fine, but your art work is preferred. The cartoon should be a demonstration on how the world is used including a visual.

Obtrude, Officious, Onerous, Ostensible, Pacifist, Palpable, Panache, Paradigm 

Wednesday March 21st- Today we took our 8 parts of speech quiz. You should have made a study guide which you could have used for the test. 

Thursday Feb. 8th- Make sure to have all of the magazine article print outs ready for mark up/editing on Friday. Over the weekend make them as perfect as possible. They are to be printed in color front and back. You will be turning them in on Monday finished. 


1/23/18- Newspaper powerpoint from today

1/18/18- STUDY FOR TEST TOM. vocab words G-F will be checking all cards.


Feb. 13th-In your best descriptive language/ vocabulary describe three scenes that happened in the last three days. We will share when you are done. This is supposed to be the best writing you can pull out of your head now. Use language, think of your senses, and be chronological. It does not matter what the scene is…

What is a memoir?

Make sure to working on your vocab cards and studying them daily. I feel a pop quiz soon, so get them done and have them with you. 

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